Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Caterpillar in a cocoon torment

    I’m going through absolute torture. Perhaps it’s growing pains the not knowing how things are going to go. The constant putting in work but things blow up in your face back to back the account depleting time passing the dragons the reaper hovering around you just waiting to eat you up take you out. I…

  • Oh my god

    I think I might have cracked the code again what a crazy past few days I think I’ve overcome technology I don’t even know where to start so much to talk about For basically my entire life I’ve needed something playing in the background to sleep and ever once having a smart phone I’ve had…

  • What a great day

    I had an amazing day I feel I did everything and still had a good day – like I wasn’t drained or hating life at the end of the day which means it was sustainable Prospecting – 45 min on – 15 off – it worked out great because I can do that multiple times…

  • Friday, here we are again

    So it has been an interesting couple of weeks going back and forth about my schedule how I want and need to break up my days and hours and activities After everything here is where I’m at: I think staying with in a normal schedule is the best option and normal means 9am-6 pm Mon-Fri…

  • Make a decision and stick to it

    The past few post I’ve been going back and forth on my schedule how much time I want and need to spend during the day/week to be successful yet maintain a sustainable schedule where I can feed my soul and Ofcourse the immediate goal is to get my team back charity hitting me up waiting…

  • Pain, What to make of it

    The last couple of days have been strange. I truly feel like I do my best when it comes to other people, People that I care about and I feel like what I get in return is disappointment. My now ex – before this happened she was my gf but no more – we don’t…

  • Sunday reflection

    Sits been a couple of days since I took off I went on adventures I did my toast masters I woke up today and thought maybe it’s time re visit where I left off How was my off time spent? I must say it was a roller coaster I had ups but I certainly had…

  • On to something

    There’s one thing about being educated get about something there’s another thing to see it in practice Now that I’m actually putting this work plan in to action which consist of going in to smaller markets gathering government list and calling them I have to say I’m seeing some amazing results let’s me explain Ive…

  • What an incredible week

    The week started on Monday with a bang! I’m calling these probate leads and they are 🔥 I’m using google voice which free Podio which is free the list is free and these properties are worth lots of money and they are going to be sold in my mind I already got a deal but…

  • I Tried

    Maybe this is all my fault. I feel like I give a lot and it could also be that I think I give a lot and I really don’t and it could also be that I do give a lot but it is to the wrong people I don’t know which one it is and…

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